
The cbrestore tool restores data from a file to an entire cluster or a single bucket in the cluster.


The basic syntax is:

cbrestore [options] [backup-dir] [destination]


  • [options]: Command options for cbrestore.

  • [backup-dir]: The backup directory for the source data created by cbbackup when performing the backup.

  • [destination]: This is a bucket in an existing cluster used as the destination bucket for the restored information. If you are restoring data to a single node in a cluster, provide the hostname and port of the node, If you are restoring an entire bucket, provide the URL of one of the nodes within the cluster. Be sure to create the destination bucket before restoring the data.


Items that had been written to file on disk are restored to RAM.

The cbbackup, cbrestore, and cbtransfer tools do not communicate with external IP addresses for server nodes outside of a cluster. Backup, restore, or transfer operations are performed on data from a node within a Couchbase cluster. They only communicate with nodes from a node list obtained within a cluster. If you install Couchbase Server with a default IP address, you cannot use an external host name to access it.

Restoring Global Secondary Indexes

If the backup being restored contains global secondary index definitions (stored in index.json), then these are also restored as part of the cbrestore process. Unlike both data and map-reduce views, global secondary indexes are not automatically distributed across a cluster. As a result, many users manually distribute their indexes across separate index nodes to ensure high availability (see CREATE INDEX).

Due to the topology-agnostic nature of cbbackup, these index definitions are stored without the explicit node names, which are passed in as part of the CREATE INDEX command. cbbackup does however store the indexer-id for each index, a value used to internally identify a specific index node. In order to restore indexes to a cluster, cbrestore sends each index definition, along with this identifier, to the index service which will appropriately distribute these indexes across all index nodes. When you restore indexes to the same cluster (and same topology) that the backup was taken from, the indexing service is able to locate the appropriate index nodes so that the indexes are on the same nodes as before. Often the topology of a cluster at the time of backup is not the same as the topology when restoring. In such a case, the indexing service may be unable to find the specific node associated with an index which it is restoring. The behavior when the specific index node cannot be found is for the index service to distribute the index definition to another index node, chosen at random. This random distribution can cause indexes with the same definitions to be placed on the same node rather than separate nodes. You should always check that the indexes have been correctly distributed after running a restore, you may need to manually redistribute some indexes if necessary.

Once the index definitions have been restored by cbrestore they must be built manually (see BUILD INDEX) as the index service only creates them (without building them). This is to prevent resource contention caused by simultaneous data restoration and building of indexes during the restore process. Additionally this gives the Couchbase administrator a chance to examine and redistribute the indexes before they are built.

You can check whether or not an index is in a ‘created’, ‘built’ or ‘building’ state by viewing the ‘Index’ tab in the web console.

Conflict Resolution

By default, when restoring from a backup using cbrestore, Couchbase Server will perform conflict resolution on all documents to be restored. The conflict resolution behavior is the same as cross datacenter replication (XDCR), which is detailed in Availability. This is so that documents which have been updated after the backup are not incorrectly overwritten by the restore process.

As a result, after running the restore process, some documents may not match the content of the backup file. In certain cases where a document has been recently deleted on the cluster, the document may not be restored at all due to this conflict resolution.

To restore the contents of a backup while overwriting current documents with the same key, pass the extra parameter conflict_resolve=0 as part of the cbrestore command. To ensure that only the documents contained in the backup exist in the bucket after performing the restore, flush the bucket prior to performing the restore

Tool Location

The tool is in the following locations:

Operating system Location




C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\cbrestore

Mac OS X


Be sure to create the destination bucket before restoring the data.


The following are the command options:

Table 1. cbrestore options
Option Description

-h, --help

Command line help.

-a, --add

Used to not overwrite existing items in the destination. Use add instead of set.


Single named bucket from the backup directory to restore. If the backup directory only contains a single bucket, then that bucket is automatically used.


When --bucket-source is specified, overrides the destination bucket name. This allows you to restore to a different bucket and defaults to the same as the bucket-source.


Restore data from the date specified as yyyy-mm-dd *. By default, all data from the very beginning is restored.

The updated tool adds new options to support partial restore operations. The tool still supports the existing options for full restores.


Restore data until the date specified as yyyy-mm-dd*. By default, all data collected is restored. The updated tool adds new options to support partial restore operations. The tool still supports the existing options for full restores.

-i ID, --id=ID

Transfer only items that match a vBucket ID.

-k KEY, --key=KEY

Transfer only items with keys that match a regexp.

-m MODE, --mode=MODE

-n, --dry-run

No actual transfer. Just validate parameters, files, connectivity, and configurations.

-u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME

REST user name for source cluster or server node.

-p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD

REST password for cluster or server node.


Use a single server node from the source only, not all server nodes from the entire cluster. This single server node is defined by the source URL.

-t THREADS, --threads=THREADS

Number of concurrent workers threads performing the transfer.

-v, --verbose

Verbose logging. More v’s provide more verbosity. Max: -vvv.

-x EXTRA, --extra=EXTRA

Provide extra, uncommon configuration parameters. Comma-separated key=val(key-val)* pairs.

  • The format of the DATE specification is YYYY-MM-DD, where:


    4-digit year


    2-digit month


    2-digit day

The following are extra, specialized command options with the cbrestore -x parameter.

Table 2. cbrestore -x options
-x option Description


Maximum back-off time during the rebalance period.


Transfer this # of bytes per batch.


Transfer this # of documents per batch.


Split backup file on destination cluster if it exceeds the MB.


By default, enable conflict resolution.


For value 1, transfer only data from a backup file or cluster.


For value 1, transfer only design documents from a backup file or cluster. Default: 0.

The design documents are restored from a backup file created with the cbbackup tool.


Max number of sequential retries if the transfer fails.


For value 0, display extended fields for stdout output.


0 or 1, where 1 retries transfer after a NOT_MY_VBUCKET message. Default: 1.


Amount of bytes for every TCP/IP batch transferred.


For value 1, rehash the partition IDs of each item as it is required when transferring data between clusters with the different number of partitions; for example, when transferring data from an Mac OS X server to a non-Mac OS X cluster.


Number batches transferred before updating the progress bar in the console.


Number batches transferred before emitting the progress information in the console.


By default, start seqno from beginning.


Transfer documents with metadata. Default: 1. The value of 0 is used only when transferring from 1.8.x to 1.8.x.


For value 1, restore data in uncompressed mode.

This option is unsupported. To restore from compressed backups, use cbbackupmgr, which is available for Couchbase Server Enterprise Edition only. See Backup and Restore.


The following are basic syntax examples:

cbrestore ~/backup -b travel-sample
cbrestore ~/backup couchbase:// -b travel-sample
cbrestore ~/backup memcached:// -b travel-sample

Example for restoring only design documents

The following example restores design documents from the backup file, ~/backup/travel-sample, to the destination bucket, travel-sample, in a cluster.

cbrestore ~/backup -x design_doc_only=1 \
    -b travel-sample -B travel-sample

If multiple source buckets were backed up, this command must be performed multiple times. In the following example, a cluster with two data buckets is backed up and has the following backup files:

  • ~/backup/travel-sample/design.json

  • ~/backup/beer-sample/design.jsonT

The following command restores the design documents in both backup files to a bucket in a cluster named my_bucket.

cbrestore -b travel-sample -B travel-sample -x design_doc_only=1 \

cbrestore -b beer-sample -B beer-sample -x design_doc_only=1 \

The following example response shows a successful restore.

transfer design doc only. bucket msgs will be skipped.

Example for restoring data incrementally

The following example requests a restoration of data backed up between August 1, 2014, and August 3, 2014. The -b option specifies the name of the bucket to restore from the backup file, and the -B option specifies the name of the destination bucket in the cluster.

cbrestore -b travel-sample -B travel-sample \
    --from-date=2014-08-01 --to-date=2014-08-03 ~/backup \

Example for restoring data while ignoring conflict resolution

The following example requests a restoration of data while ignoring the built-in conflict resolution. This causes all documents in the backup file to be restored regardless of whether the documents in the target cluster would win conflict resolution.

cbrestore -b travel-sample -B travel-sample -x conflict_resolve=0 \