Role Based Admin Access (RBAC)

Full Administrators can manage the Couchbase Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system, using the REST API.
This fine-grained access applies to the Enterprise Edition of Couchbase Server. The Community Edition is limited to the roles of bucket_full_access, admin, and ro_admin; see the Authorization page for further details.

GET /settings/rbac/roles


This command retrieves information about the available roles.


$ curl -X GET http://Administrator:adminpwd@

GET /settings/rbac/users


This command retrieves information about the current users and the roles assigned to them.


$ curl -X GET http://Administrator:adminpwd@

PUT /settings/rbac/users/<user_id>


This command sets the name and roles for the specified user ID. Note that the new user’s password is expected to be accessible, when authentication is subsequently attempted, from an external domain.


$ curl -X PUT http://Administrator:adminpwd@<user_id>

PUT /settings/rbac/users/local/<user_id>


This command sets name, role, and password for the specified user ID. Note that by these means, the new user is defined locally to Couchbase Server (the user’s password having been provided as a parameter to this command).


$ curl -X PUT http://Administrator:adminpwd@<user_id>

DELETE /settings/rbac/users/<user_id>


This command deletes the specified user.


$ curl -X DELETE http://Administrator:adminpwd@<user_id>

POST /pools/default/checkPermissions


This command checks the permissions on specified Couchbase Server-resources that have been assigned to the administrator whose credentials are specified in the command.


$ curl -X POST http://Administrator:adminpwd@


Get a list of available roles
GET /settings/rbac/roles

Returns an array of objects whose fields explain the available roles on the system. The first and second objects in the array might appear as follows:

  "role": "replication_target",
  "bucket_name": "*",
  "name": "Replication Target",
  "desc": "XDC replication target for bucket"
  "role": "query_external_access",
  "name": "Query External Access",
  "desc": "Can execute CURL statement"
Get a list of all current users and the roles they are assigned.
GET /settings/rbac/users

For example:

$ curl -X GET http://Administrator:adminpwd@

    "name": "John Smith",
    "id": "johnsmith",
    "domain": "local",
    "roles": [
        "role": "cluster_admin"
Set the name, user ID, and roles for a new user.
PUT /settings/rbac/users/<user_id>

In this example, John Doe is assigned to be Cluster Administrator, and also to be Bucket Administrator for the travel-sample bucket, with user ID of johndoe:

$ curl -X PUT --data "name=John Doe&roles=cluster_admin,bucket_admin[travel-sample]" \

Note that by means of the command above, the user is listed by Couchbase Server as being in the External authentication domain: this means that the user ID specified here is expected to match a user ID by which they are registered (with an appropriate password) on a remote (for example, an LDAP) system. If the user ID specified in this command does not so match, the user is permitted no access to Couchbase Server-resources. See below for an example of adding user and roles by specifying a password to be stored locally. See Authorization, for more information on defining users remotely.

Set the name, user ID, roles, and password for a new user.
PUT /settings/rbac/users/local/<user_id>

In this example, John Smith is assigned to be the Cluster Administrator, with password specified as jspassword, and user ID as johnsmith:

$ curl -X PUT --data "name=John Smith&roles=cluster_admin&password=jspassword" \
             -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \

Note that by means of the command above, the user is assigned to the Local authentication domain: this means that they have been registered on Couchbase Server itself, with the password specified.

Delete users
DELETE /settings/rbac/users/<user_id>

In this example, the user identified by the user ID alicesmith is deleted.

$ curl -X DELETE http://Administrator:adminpwd@
Check permissions
POST /pools/default/checkPermissions

The following example checks the authenticating administrator’s permissions on the travel-sample bucket, for reading bucket-statistics and for writing to the bucket:

$ curl -X POST --data 'cluster.bucket[travel-sample].stats!read,cluster.bucket[travel-sample]!write' \

Output might appear as follows:

"cluster.bucket[travel-sample].stats!read": true,
"cluster.bucket[default]!write": true

Reading Log Output

The following examples of log output are provided, with comments to aid understanding..

{"name":"John Doe","id":"johndoe","roles":[{"role":"admin"}]}]
        {'status': '200', 'content-length': '64', 'server': 'Couchbase Server', 'pragma': 'no-cache', \
        'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'date': 'Mon, 13 Jun 2016 10:35:28 GMT',  'content-type': 'application/json’}

The first two lines indicate what is the admin role for the user John Doe. His role is set as admin.

2016-06-13 03:35:28,481 - root - INFO - with param: \
          2016-06-13 03:35:28,486 - root - ERROR - error 400 reason: \
          unknown {"errors":{"ramQuotaMB":"RAM quota specified is too large to be provisioned into this cluster.",\
          "name":"Bucket with given name already exists","replicaNumber":\
          "Warning: you do not have enough data servers to support this number of replicas."},"summaries":{"ramSummary":\
          {"total":2111832064,"otherBuckets":2111832064,"nodesCount":1,"perNodeMegs":100, \
          2016-06-13 03:35:28,487 - root - INFO - Default Bucket already exists
          rbacPermissionList().cluster_indexes_write('ritam123','password',host=self.master_ip,servers=self.servers, \
          cluster=self.cluster,httpCode= \
          [200, 201],user_role='admin’) - \
          This is the actual call to function, note the httpCode this is expected httpCode to be returned.
          2016-06-13 03:35:28,487 - root - INFO -  ----- Permission set is ------------\
          {'indexes': "settings/indexes;POST;{'indexerThreads':5}", 'max_paralled_index': \
          "settings/maxParallelIndexers;POST;{'globalValue':'8'}"} - \
          You can the the REST API for cluster_index write permission.
          {u'indexerThreads': 5}
          <type 'dict'>
            {u'globalValue': u'8'}
            <type 'dict'>

Each role has a set permission and each permission has a list of resources: cluster_indexes_write – This is one of the permission for admin role.

2016-06-13 03:35:30,777 - root - INFO - with param: \
        bucketType=membase&evictionPolicy=valueOnly&threadsNumber=3&ramQuotaMB=100&proxyPort=11211& \
        2016-06-13 03:35:30,783 - root - ERROR - error 400 reason: \
        unknown {"errors":{"name":"Bucket with given name already exists","replicaNumber": \
        "Warning: you do not have enough data servers to support this number of replicas."},"summaries":{"ramSummary": \
        {"total":2111832064,"otherBuckets":104857600,"nodesCount":1,"perNodeMegs":100,"thisAlloc":104857600,"thisUsed":0, \
        "free":1902116864},"hddSummary":{"total":33278128128,"otherData":2990780812, \
        2016-06-13 03:35:30,783 - root - INFO - Default Bucket already exists
        rbacPermissionList().cluster_admin_diag_write('ritam123','password',host=self.master_ip,servers=self.servers, \
        cluster=self.cluster,httpCode=[200, 201],user_role='admin')
        2016-06-13 03:35:30,784 - root - INFO -  ----- Permission set is ------------ \
        {'eval': "/diag/eval;POST;{'ale':'set_loglevel(ns_server,error).'}"}
        {u'ale': u'set_loglevel(ns_server,error).'}
        <type 'dict'>
          2016-06-13 03:35:30,797 - root - ERROR - error 500 reason: \
          status: 500, content: /diag/eval failed.
          Error: {error,{badmatch,set_loglevel}}
          [{erl_eval,expr,3,[]}] /diag/eval failed.
          Error: {error,{badmatch,set_loglevel}}
          Matching not found

Above is an example of failure since it includes the message "Matching not found". In this case, it is not an actual error because the values have not been passed correctly to /diag/eval correctly.